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Text File  |  2002-04-21  |  20KB  |  597 lines

  1. ; English language file
  3. [fMain]
  4. Oprogramu1.Caption=About
  5. Tiskzprvy1.caption=Print message
  6. ToolButton5.Hint=Setup
  7. ToolButton6.Hint=Address book
  8. ToolButton8.Hint=Queue
  9. ToolButton9.Hint=History
  10. ToolButton10.Hint=
  11. ToolButton7.Hint=Links
  12. ToolButton4.Hint=Preset messages
  13. ToolButton19.Hint=Turn group mode off (Alt+G)
  14. ToolButton11.Hint=Flash SMS (Alt+D)
  15. ToolButton12.Hint=Advice of delivery (Alt+P)
  16. ToolButton3.Hint=Identification  (Alt+I)
  17. ToolButton17.Hint=Internet registration
  18. ToolButton20.Hint=Lock switches (Flash, AoD and Identification)
  19. ToolButton15.Hint=Exit
  20. ComboEdit1.Hint=Enter name or number
  21. ComboEdit1.ButtonHint=Locate
  22. RadioButton1.Hint=Send via web (Ctrl+1)
  23. Image4.Hint=Send via web (Ctrl+1)
  24. RadioButton2.Hint=Send sms-email (Ctrl+2)
  25. Image2.Hint=Send sms-email (Ctrl+2)
  26. RadioButton3.Hint=Send email (Ctrl+3)
  27. Image3.Hint=Send email (Ctrl+3)
  28. SpeedButton15.Caption=SEND
  29. SpeedButton15.Hint=Send message now
  30. SpeedButton17.Caption=TIME
  31. SpeedButton17.Hint=Specify time of sending
  32. GateCombo.Hint=Script - SMS gate (Ctrl+0)
  33. SpeedButton5.Hint=Interrupt sending of selected message
  34. SpeedButton6.Hint=Remove message from queue
  35. SpeedButton7.Hint=Edit selected message
  36. SpeedButton8.Hint=Send selected message now
  37. SpeedButton9.Hint=Send all messages in queue now
  38. SpeedButton10.Hint=Stop sending
  39. Label1.Caption=Subject:
  40. Panel1.Caption=Empty group
  41. Program1.Caption=Progra&m
  42. Novzprva2.Caption=New message
  43. Poslat1.Caption=Send now
  44. Jindy1.Caption=Set sending time...
  45. Uloitdatabze1.Caption=Save database
  46. Zlohadatabz1.Caption=Database backup
  47. Obnovadatabz1.Caption=Database recovery
  48. ImportkontaktzOutlooku1.Caption=Import from MS Outlook
  49. Smazatdoasnpoloky1.Caption=Delete temporary items...
  50. AUpdate1.Caption=Update...
  51. Pipojitse1.Caption=Dialup connection...
  52. Minimalizovat1.Caption=Minimize
  53. Ukonit1.Caption=Exit
  54. Nastaven1.Caption=S&etup
  55. Adres1.Caption=Address book...
  56. Fronta1.Caption=Queue...
  57. Historie1.Caption=History...
  58. Skupiny1.Caption=Groups...
  59. SMSEmail1.Caption=SMSEmail...
  60. Prednastav1.Caption=Preset messages...
  61. Kdystt1.Caption=Country codes...
  62. Skripty1.Caption=Scripts...
  63. Odkazy1.Caption=Links...
  64. Nastavenprogramu1.Caption=Program setup...
  65. Zobrazen1.Caption=V&iew
  66. Adres2.Caption=Address book window
  67. Fronta2.Caption=Queue window
  68. Oknoudlost1.Caption=Log window
  69. Npovda1.Caption=H&elp
  70. Registrace1.Caption=Registration
  71. Npovdakprogramu1.Caption=Main help
  72. Oprogramu1.Caption=About program...
  73. ShowWindow1.Caption=&Show window
  74. HideWindow1.Caption=&Hide window
  75. Exit1.Caption=&Exit
  76. Novzprva1.Caption=New message
  77. Undo1.Caption=Undo
  78. Znovu1.Caption=Redo
  79. Zkopruj1.Caption=Copy
  80. Vlo1.Caption=Paste
  81. Vyjmi1.Caption=Cut
  82. Vybratve1.Caption=Select all
  83. Zobrazitoknoadrese1.Caption=Show address book window
  84. Zobrazitoknofronty1.Caption=Show queue window
  85. Zobrazitoknoudlost1.Caption=Show log window
  86. Pidat1.Caption=Add new contact...
  87. Editovat1.Caption=Edit contact...
  88. Oznaitve1.Caption=Select all
  89. Zrusitozn1.Caption=Clear selection
  90. ImportkontaktzOutlooku2.Caption=Import from Outlook
  91. Smazadoasnpoloky1.Caption=Delete temporary items...
  92. Skrtoknoadrese1.Caption=Hide address book window
  93. Skrtoknofronty1.Caption=Hide queue window
  94. Skrtoknoudlost1.Caption=Hide log window
  95. Pozastavit1.Caption=Suspend
  96. Odstranit1.Caption=Remove
  97. Upravit1.Caption=Edit...
  98. Odeslatihned1.Caption=Send now
  99. Odelsatveihned1.Caption=Send all now
  100. Podvatsenachybu1.Caption=View error
  101. Zobrazithistorii1.Caption=Show history...
  102. Vymazatzznamy1.Caption=Delete all records
  103. Vymazatvekromchyb1.Caption=Delete all but errors
  104. Upravitskupinu1.Caption=Edit group...
  105. Smazatskupinu1.Caption=Delete group...
  107. [fSetup]
  108. fSetup.Caption=Setup
  109. BitBtn1.Caption=OK
  110. BitBtn2.Caption=Cancel
  111. TabSheet1.Caption=Options
  112. Label18.Caption=Language file
  113. GroupBox6.Caption=Program layout
  114. CheckBox2.Caption=Tray icon
  115. CheckBox3.Caption=Hide when minimized
  116. CheckBox17.Caption=Show address book window
  117. CheckBox12.Caption=Show queue window
  118. CheckBox13.Caption=Show log window
  119. CheckBox16.Caption=Start minimized
  120. GroupBox2.Caption=Text properties
  121. SpeedButton26.Caption=Background color...
  122. SpeedButton26.Hint=Change background color of text
  123. SpeedButton1.Caption=Even messages font...
  124. SpeedButton1.Hint=Change color of even parts of message 
  125. SpeedButton2.Caption=Odd messages font...
  126. SpeedButton2.Hint=Change color of odd parts of message 
  127. GroupBox5.Caption=Automation
  128. CheckBox8.Caption=Append sign
  129. CheckBox4.Caption=Remove diacritics
  130. CheckBox6.Caption=Insert header
  131. Edit3.Hint=Default sign
  132. CheckBox9.Caption=Insert country code
  133. CheckBox9.Hint=Insert country code when not present
  134. Button2.Caption=Set up
  135. Button2.Hint=Assign specified sign to all contacts in address book
  136. Button3.Caption=Set up
  137. Button3.Hint=Assign specified header to all contacts in address book
  138. GroupBox10.Caption=Preferences
  139. Label12.Caption=History password
  140. CheckBox5.Caption=Disconnect after send
  141. CheckBox10.Caption=Look for updates
  142. CheckBox14.Caption=Check non-empty queue
  143. CheckBox15.Caption=New number as temporary item
  144. Button1.Caption=Change...
  145. CheckBox20.Caption=Warn on group sending
  146. TabSheet2.Caption=Sending
  147. GroupBox4.Caption=SMSEmail
  148. Label3.Caption=After send delay
  149. CheckBox1.Caption=Keep whole words
  150. CheckBox1.Hint=Only for email method
  151. CheckBox7.Caption=Send in reverse order
  152. CheckBox7.Hint=Send 3-2-1 instead of 1-2-3 (only for email method)
  153. GroupBox3.Caption=WWW proxy setup
  154. Label8.Caption=Name:
  155. Label9.Caption=Address:
  156. Label11.Caption=Passwd:
  157. Edit7.Hint=Address of proxy server
  158. Proxyb.Caption=Use proxy
  159. Edit14.Hint=Port of proxy server
  160. GroupBox1.Caption= SMTP options 
  161. Label4.Caption=User ID: 
  162. Label2.Caption=Port: 
  163. Label1.Caption=Host: 
  164. Edit4.Hint=User name
  165. Edit2.Hint=usually 25
  166. Edit1.Hint=SMTP server of your internet provider
  167. Button5.Caption=Detect
  168. GroupBox7.Caption=User
  169. Label5.Caption=Name: 
  170. Label6.Caption=Email: 
  171. Label10.Caption=Phone:
  172. Edit10.Hint=Your mobile phone number (with country code)
  173. GroupBox8.Caption=Time limits
  174. Label14.Caption=Page read limit
  175. Label16.Caption=After interruption delay
  176. GroupBox9.Caption=Internet connection
  177. RadioButton1.Caption=Dial up (modem, ISDN)
  178. RadioButton2.Caption=Permanent (LAN, Cable modem)
  180. [fAktualizace]
  181. fAktualizace.Caption=Update from internet
  182. GroupBox1.Caption=New version of program
  183. CheckBox1.Caption=Download new version of DreamCom
  184. BitBtn1.Caption=Download
  185. BitBtn2.Caption=Close
  186. GroupBox2.Caption=New scripts
  187. Panel2.Caption=No new scripts available.
  189. [fHeslo]
  190. Label1.Caption=Password
  191. Label2.Caption=Confirm
  192. BitBtn1.Caption=OK
  193. BitBtn2.Caption=Cancel
  195. [fDownLoad]
  196. fDownLoad.Caption=Downloading...
  197. Button1.Caption=Stop
  199. [fDatabaze]
  200. fDatabaze.Caption=Database
  201. TabSheet2.Caption=Address book
  202. ToolButton10.Hint=Add contact
  203. ToolButton12.Hint=Edit contact
  204. ToolButton63.Hint=Group changes in address book
  205. ToolButton11.Hint=Delete contact
  206. ToolButton52.Hint=Delete all contacts
  207. ToolButton14.Hint=Import from text file
  208. ToolButton53.Hint=Import from MS Outlook
  209. ToolButton15.Hint=Export into text file
  210. ToolButton17.Hint=Find
  211. SpeedButton1.Caption=Close
  212. TabSheet4.Caption=Queue
  213. ToolButton4.Hint=Send selected messages
  214. ToolButton5.Hint=Send all messages
  215. ToolButton41.Hint=Edit selected message
  216. ToolButton19.Hint=Delete selected messages
  217. ToolButton20.Hint=Delete all messages
  218. SpeedButton2.Caption=Close
  219. TabSheet5.Caption=History
  220. ToolButton1.Hint=Send message
  221. ToolButton42.Hint=Edit selected message
  222. ToolButton22.Hint=Delete selected messages
  223. ToolButton23.Hint=Delete all messages
  224. ToolButton16.Hint=Time interval deletion
  225. ToolButton25.Hint=Export into text file
  226. ToolButton27.Hint=Find
  227. SpeedButton3.Caption=Close
  228. TabSheet3.Caption=Groups
  229. ToolButton2.Hint=Add new group
  230. ToolButton3.Hint=Delete selected group
  231. ToolButton64.Hint=One position up
  232. ToolButton65.Hint=One position down
  233. SpeedButton4.Caption=Close
  234. SpeedButton20.Caption=Add
  235. SpeedButton21.Caption=Remove
  236. GroupBox5.Caption=Available names
  237. GroupBox4.Caption=Assigned names
  238. GroupBox1.Caption=Group names
  239. TabSheet1.Caption=Messages
  240. ToolButton7.Hint=New message
  241. ToolButton8.Hint=Delete selected messages
  242. ToolButton34.Hint=Delete all messages
  243. ToolButton36.Hint=Import messages from text file
  244. ToolButton37.Hint=Export messages into text file
  245. SpeedButton5.Caption=Close
  246. TabSheet6.Caption=Countries
  247. ToolButton6.Hint=Add new country code
  248. ToolButton28.Hint=Delete selected country codes
  249. ToolButton29.Hint=Delete all country codes
  250. ToolButton31.Hint=Import from text file
  251. ToolButton33.Hint=Export into text file
  252. SpeedButton6.Caption=Close
  253. TabSheet7.Caption=SMSEmail
  254. ToolButton9.Hint=Add new operator
  255. ToolButton39.Hint=Edit operator
  256. ToolButton38.Hint=Delete selected operator
  257. SpeedButton7.Caption=Close
  258. TabSheet8.Caption=Scripts
  259. ToolButton26.Hint=Create new script
  260. ToolButton40.Hint=Edit selected script
  261. ToolButton32.Hint=Reload scripts
  262. SpeedButton8.Caption=Close
  263. TabSheet9.Caption=Links
  264. ToolButton43.Hint=Add new link
  265. ToolButton44.Hint=Delete selected links
  266. ToolButton45.Hint=Delete all links
  267. ToolButton49.Hint=Open link in web browser
  268. ToolButton47.Hint=Import from text file
  269. ToolButton50.Hint=Export into text file
  270. ToolButton48.Hint=Find
  271. SpeedButton9.Caption=Close
  272. PidatJmno1.Caption=Add contact
  273. Upravitjmno1.Caption=Edit contact
  274. Hromadnnastaven1.Caption=Group changes...
  275. Smazatjmno1.Caption=Delete contact
  276. Smazatvechny6.Caption=Delete all
  277. ImportAdrese1.Caption=Import from text file...
  278. ImportzOutlooku1.Caption=Import from Outlook
  279. ExportAdrese1.Caption=Export
  280. Hledej2.Caption=Find
  281. Poslatoznaen1.Caption=Send selected
  282. Poslatvechny1.Caption=Send all
  283. Editovatzprvu1.Caption=Edit message
  284. Smazatoznaen1.Caption=Delete selected
  285. Smazatvechny1.Caption=Delete all
  286. Poslatzprvu1.Caption=Send message
  287. Editovatvybranou1.Caption=Edit selected
  288. Smazatoznaen2.Caption=Delete selected
  289. Smazatvechny2.Caption=Delete all
  290. Smazatvasovmintervalu1.Caption=Time interval deletion
  291. ImportAdrese2.Caption=Export
  292. Hledad1.Caption=Find
  293. Pidatskupinu1.Caption=Add group
  294. Smazatskupinu1.Caption=Delete group
  295. Novzprva1.Caption=New message
  296. Smazatoznaen3.Caption=Delete selected
  297. Smazatvechny3.Caption=Delete all
  298. Importzprv1.Caption=Import
  299. Exportzprv1.Caption=Export
  300. Pidatkd1.Caption=Add country code
  301. Smazatoznaen4.Caption=Delete selected
  302. Smazatvechny4.Caption=Delete all
  303. Importkd1.Caption=Import
  304. Hledat2.Caption=Find
  305. Pidatopertora1.Caption=Add operator
  306. Upravitopertora1.Caption=Edit operator
  307. Smazatopertora1.Caption=Delete operator
  308. Vytvoitnovskript1.Caption=Create new script
  309. Editovatskript1.Caption=Edit script
  310. Nastskripty1.Caption=Reload scripts
  311. Novzprva2.Caption=New link
  312. Smazatoznaen5.Caption=Delete selected
  313. Smazatvechny5.Caption=Delete all
  314. Otevtvprohlei1.Caption=Open in browser
  315. Importzprv2.Caption=Import
  316. Exportzprv2.Caption=Export
  317. ToolButton67.Hint=Print message
  318. ToolButton68.Hint=Print addressbook
  320. [fAdrEdit]
  321. fAdrEdit.Caption=Address book list
  322. Label1.Caption=&Name
  323. Label2.Caption=&Phone number (with country code)
  324. Label5.Caption=&SMSEmail
  325. Label6.Caption=&Email
  326. Label7.Caption=&Header
  327. Label9.Caption=Si&gn
  328. SpeedButton1.Caption=Add
  329. SpeedButton2.Caption=Remove
  330. BitBtn1.Caption=Cancel
  331. BitBtn2.Caption=OK
  332. GroupBox1.Caption=Assigned groups
  333. GroupBox2.Caption=Available groups
  334. GroupBox3.Caption=Method of sending
  335. Label4.Caption=&Default
  336. Label3.Caption=S&cript
  337. DBCheckBox1.Caption=Flash SMS
  338. DBCheckBox2.Caption=Advice of delivery
  339. DBCheckBox3.Caption=Identification
  340. Button1.Caption=Generate
  342. [fFrontaEdit]
  343. fFrontaEdit.Caption=Edit message in queue
  344. BitBtn1.Caption=OK
  345. BitBtn2.Caption=Cancel
  346. GroupBox1.Caption=Send:
  347. Label4.Caption=To:
  348. Label5.Caption=Method:
  349. Label1.Caption=Script:
  350. CheckBox1.Caption=Advice of delivery
  351. CheckBox2.Caption=Flash SMS
  352. CheckBox3.Caption=Identification
  354. [fRozsah]
  355. fRozsah.Caption=Delete time interval
  356. BitBtn1.Caption=OK
  357. BitBtn2.Caption=Cancel
  358. GroupBox1.Caption=Date of sending
  359. Label1.Caption=From:
  360. Label2.Caption=Till:
  362. [fSkript]
  363. GroupBox1.Caption=Parameters
  364. RxSpeedButton2.Caption=Section
  365. RxSpeedButton2.Hint=Insert parametr section
  366. RxSpeedButton1.Caption=New
  367. RxSpeedButton1.Hint=Insert new parameter
  368. GroupBox2.Caption=Switches
  369. RxSpeedButton3.Caption=AoD
  370. RxSpeedButton3.Hint=Insert Advice of Delivery section
  371. RxSpeedButton4.Caption=Flash SMS
  372. RxSpeedButton4.Hint=Insert Flash section
  373. RxSpeedButton5.Caption=Identification
  374. RxSpeedButton5.Hint=Insert Ident section
  375. GroupBox3.Caption=Pages
  376. RxSpeedButton6.Hint=Insert GetPage section
  377. RxSpeedButton7.Hint=Insert PostPage section
  378. RxSpeedButton8.Caption=Variables
  379. RxSpeedButton8.Hint=Insert new variable
  380. GroupBox4.Caption=Messages
  381. RxSpeedButton9.Caption=Section
  382. RxSpeedButton9.Hint=Insert Msg section
  383. RxSpeedButton10.Caption=Action
  384. RxSpeedButton10.Hint=Insert new variable
  385. BitBtn1.Caption=Save
  386. BitBtn1.Hint=Save the script and close script editor
  387. BitBtn2.Caption=Cancel
  388. BitBtn2.Hint=Close script editor
  389. Version1.Hint=Script version
  390. CountryCode1.Hint=Script default country code (without +)
  391. Prefixes1.Hint=Semicolon separated list of prefixes accepted by script
  392. FirstMsgSize1.Hint=Max length of first message
  393. OtherMsgSize1.Hint=Max length of other messages
  394. MsgCount1.Hint=Max count of messages
  395. MsgTime1.Hint=Time interval between messages
  396. QueueTime1.Hint=Time when the gate is ready for sending
  397. Password1.Hint=Password
  398. UserPar11.Hint=User defined parameter
  399. UserPar21.Hint=User defined parameter
  400. UserPar12.Hint=User defined parameter
  401. UserPar41.Hint=User defined parameter
  402. Prefix1.Hint=Prefix with leading zero
  403. CPrefix01.Hint=Prefix without leading zero
  404. Phone1.Hint=Phone number with prefix
  405. PhoneNP1.Hint=Phone number without prefix
  406. ICode1.Hint=Country code (with +)
  407. IPhone1.Hint=Phone number including country code (with +)
  408. MyPrefix1.Hint=My prefix with leading zero
  409. MyPrefix01.Hint=My prefix without leading zero
  410. MyPhone1.Hint=My phone number including prefix
  411. CMyPhoneNP1.Hint=My phone number without prefix
  412. MyICode1.Hint=My country code (with +)
  413. MyIPhone1.Hint=My phone number including country code (with +)
  414. MyName1.Hint=My name
  415. CMyEmail1.Hint=My email
  416. Message1.Hint=Message text
  417. MsgParts1.Hint=Number of parts after message division
  418. MsgLen1.Hint=Total message length
  419. MsgRemain1.Hint=Number of remaining chars
  420. AoD1.Hint=Advice of delivery
  421. Flash1.Hint=Flash SMS
  422. Ident1.Hint=Identification
  423. Success1.Hint=Message will be removed from queue and inserted into history
  424. Again1.Hint=Message will be sent again immediately
  425. Queue1.Hint=Message will be sent again after time limit
  426. Cancel1.Hint=Message will be removed from gueue
  427. QueueWhen1.Hint=Message will wait for the time when the gate is ready for sending
  429. [fCas]
  430. fRozsah.Caption=Delete time interval
  431. fCas.Caption=Set time of sending
  432. GroupBox2.Caption=Date and time
  433. BitBtn1.Caption=OK
  434. BitBtn2.Caption=Cancel
  435. GroupBox1.Caption= Repeat
  436. Label2.Caption=Send
  437. Label3.Caption=times
  438. Label4.Caption=every
  440. [fOpEdit]
  441. fOpEdit.Caption=Operator
  442. BitBtn1.Caption=OK
  443. BitBtn2.Caption=Cancel
  444. Label1.Caption=Name of operator
  445. Label2.Caption=Prefixes (semicolon separated list)
  446. Label3.Caption=Message length
  447. Label4.Caption=Email host
  448. Label5.Caption=Country code (with +)
  450. [fStart]
  451. Panel2.Caption=Loading data...
  453. [fAbout]
  454. Comments.Caption=Use this program to send SMS messages via internet.
  455. Label1.Caption=Beta testing and user support:
  456. Label2.Caption=Bugs and new ideas:
  457. Label5.Caption=Conference:
  458. Label4.Caption=Registered users:
  459. URLLabel6.Caption=Registration information
  460. Label7.Caption=Development and coding:
  461. Label9.Caption=WWW forum:
  463. [Strings]
  464. UnhandledEx=An error has occured:\n\n%s.\n\nYou can try to continue and save data. Do you want to terminate program?
  465. RecNotFound=Record "%s" not found.
  466. AddNumberAsk=Add new number in address book?
  467. AddNumberInfo=If you choose No, temporary record will be created.
  468. NotConnected=No internet connection detected.
  469. DBSaved=Database has been saved.
  470. ConvBackupMsg=Backup of old version database done.
  471. BackupMsg=Backup of database done.
  472. RecoveryMsg=Recovery of database done.
  473. GrpSendQuestion=Do you really want to send this message to %d persons?
  474. QueueCheckQuestion=There are unsent messages in the queue, do you really want to exit?
  475. BackupAsk=Backup directory already exists, do you really want to replace existing files?
  476. RecoveryAsk=Do you really want to recover data from backup directory?
  477. DelTempAsk=Do you really want to delete all temporary items?
  478. DelItemAsk=Do you really want to delete selected item?
  479. SignAsk=Do you really want to set %s "%s" in all items in address book?
  480. SignInfo=If you choose No, only items with empty %s will be set.
  481. SignTitle=Group assignment
  482. SignDoneInfo=Modified %d items from total %d.
  483. DisconnectAsk=All messages have been sent, do you want do hang up modem?
  484. DisconnectTitle=Disconnect
  485. OutlookFail=Connecting to MS Outlook has failed.
  486. GrpOutlookFail=Creation of group Outlook has failed.
  487. ImpOutlookOK=Import successfuly done.
  488. DelSelItems=Do you really want to delete all selected items?
  489. DelAllItems=Do you really want to delete all items?
  490. TextNotFound=Text was not found.
  491. DisconnEr=An error has occured while disconnecting:
  492. RasapiFail=Loading of library RASAPI32.DLL has failed.
  493. BatchNotFound=Batch file was not found.
  494. SaveFailed=Unable to save installation file.
  495. RunInstall=Do you want to start installation of new version? If you choose Yes, program will be terminated before installation.
  496. MassChange=All records in database will be changed. Do you really want to continue?
  497. ChangeSave=Changes successfully saved.
  498. WriteFialed=Unable to write file %s.
  499. Download=Download: %d B / %d B
  500. ScriptNofFound=Script %s was not found.
  501. LookForUpdate=Looking for an update.
  502. NoUpdate=No update has been found.
  503. UpdateDone=Update done.
  504. DownloadFialed=An error has occured while downloading a file.
  505. UnknownPar=Unknown argument
  506. MsgFileNotFound=File with message was not found.
  507. NoContact=No contact selected.
  508. NoGate=No SMS gate selected.
  509. NoSendMethod=No send method specified.
  510. MsgMissing=Message is missing.
  511. WrongAC=Wrong argument combination.
  512. SendingSMSE=Sending SMS-email %d/%d.
  513. Msg_Sent=Message has been sent successfully.
  514. Msg_Loading=Loading page.
  515. Msg_Sending=Sending message.
  516. Msg_Expired=Page has expired.
  517. Msg_Later=Message will be sent later.
  518. Msg_WrongNum=Wrong phone number.
  519. Msg_Logging=Validating user name and password.
  520. Msg_Limit=Limit of sent messages exceeded.
  521. Msg_Accepted=Username and password accepted.
  522. Msg_WrongPass=Wrong username or password.
  523. Msg_Reg=You are not registered user.
  524. SentFail=Unable to sent the message.
  525. SMTPConFail=SMTP connection failed.
  526. ReqFail=HTTP request failed.
  527. UnknownEr=Unknown error.
  528. PageLoadEr=Unable to load web page.
  529. DlgYes=&Yes
  530. DlgNo=&No
  531. DlgOK=&OK
  532. DlgCancel=&Cancel
  533. DlgExit=&Exit
  534. DlgRetry=&Retry
  535. DlgIgnore&=Ignore
  536. DlgAll=&All
  537. DlgWarning=Warning
  538. DlgError=Error
  539. DlgInfo=Information
  540. DlgConfirm=Confirmation
  541. DelRec=Delete record...
  542. RemoveFromGrp=Remove from group
  543. Chars=Chars
  544. Remain=Remain
  545. Msgs=Msgs
  546. NewPass=Enter new password
  547. EnterPass=Enter password
  548. HideAdr=Hide address book window (F2)
  549. ShowAdr=Show Address book window (F2)
  550. UpdateLog=Update
  551. lvTime=Time
  552. lvInfo=Information
  553. lvName=Name
  554. lvBody=Msg body
  555. Number=Number
  556. Method=Method
  557. Written=Written
  558. ScrSubj=Script/Subject
  559. Flash=Flash
  560. AoD1=AoD
  561. Ident1=Ident.
  562. Shortc=Shortcut
  563. Country=Country
  564. Prefix=Prefix
  565. URL=URL
  566. Sent=Sent
  567. Sign=Sign
  568. Header=Header
  569. WrongPass=Wrong password
  570. WrongDate=Wrong date
  571. Version=Version
  572. GrdDown=Download
  573. File=File
  574. Size=Size
  575. SendingE=Sending email.
  576. GrpAll=All
  577. ScriptEd=Script editor
  578. NewScript=New script
  579. Script=Script
  580. Send=Send
  581. Minute=minute(s)
  582. Hour=hour(s)
  583. Day=day(s)
  584. Week=week(s)
  585. Month=month(s)
  586. Year=year(s)
  587. MsgLen=Message length
  588. TempNum=Temporary
  589. PresetMsg=Preset messages
  590. DataLoad=Loading data...
  592. BanClick=You must click on the banner.
  593. MsgYes=Yes
  594. MsgNo=No
  596. ; max. length of DontChange is 10 chars
  597. DontChange=No change